Tuesday, 12 March 2013

My first Mothers day

My first mothers day was lovely. I spent the morning in the bath and relaxing while Matt sorted everything that Josh needed. I think spent the afternoon with just me and Joshua as Matt had work. 

Look how clever my little boy is, he knows exactly what to buy his mummy to make her happy (okay maybe a little help from Matt & my mum!) I woke up to a text off my mum saying 'Josh told me to tell you he left you a little something under the chair in the dining room xx' which I thought was super cute bless her,  I opened up some lovely tea light holders, a loveliest mummy mug, lots of chocolate and a lovely smelling hanging thingy (what are they called?! haha) 

but no thats not all.... Josh told daddy he had to pick up some bits for me 2 (with a little help of a list of things Ive wanted to try for a while) & opened up the Urban decay flushed palette, Barry Ms texture nail varnish in Atlantic Road, Loreal paris lip splash in Romy & a Bourjois Rouge edition lipstick in Rose Tweed. Also he got me a cute little standing teddy bear plaque saying 'Best mummy in the world' (thanks Josh!) & a little shower set with 'Mum' printed all over them so cute.

& just look at that card. How adorable is it? I love home made (well moon pig made) cards, there so much more personal and lovely to open and read. I will keep this card forever & its by far the best card ive received so far!

Well I was well and truly spoilt and had a lovely day with my favourite little person in the world. My mum was away in Manchester watching the football so I didn't get to spend the day with her, but she had a lovely day to! (well we drew 2-2 so not the best sorry football talk.

Did you have a good Mothers day with your Mum, or your children?

Id love to know what you got up to!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I had a lovely first mothers day, need to do a post when I've got the time. Yay for you getting your wishlist :) spoilt mummy xx

  3. Such lovely gifts, can't wait for my first Mothers day next year :)

    Sarah xx

    1. Eeee its so exciting! Being a mum is the best thing ever you will love it xo

  4. This is so sweet! Moonpig cards are the best!! I spent the day with my mum decorating her room lol, it was fun though x


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