Tuesday, 5 March 2013

One Direction @ Cardiff

Okay a little bit of a random post for you lot, but I have a small big thing for a little band named One Direction. My lovely boyfriend decided it would be a great idea to pay £85.00 per ticket as a christmas present and im so glad he was lovely and generous.

They were amazing, sang so many songs, and you could tell they really enjoyed themselves (although they were a little hungover!) The night before they were at Oceana  not in VIP or anything just dancing away on the dance floor with all us normal people (well not me I wish I was there!) & they were in Nandos the usual hangout for celebs too.

I recorded a view on there songs but for some reason my camera never liked it so they didnt come out, booooo.

We were quite close too which when we sat down I was super excited to see Zayn up close and personal (and a bit excited to see harry too!) Niall was the sweetest though, he spoke the most and waved at all the little fans getting super excited over them. 

& they were on time (unlike bieber hahaha) which always makes a plus. It started at 3pm which was such a weird time. I have never been to a concert that early before, but it was a pleasure to watch and stare at those lovely boys for 2 hours, guilty pleasure.

Are One Direction your guilty pleasure too?

Or do you think there a bunch of over hyped guys?




  1. I love One Direction :) Im going to see them in april and i think I might just die, haah proper fan girl xx

    1. I nearly died too! They fly over you and its amazing!!! hahaha xx

  2. definitely a guilty pleasure of mine too xx

    1. Yay not just me then, beautiful boys!! xx

  3. Ahh there was me thinking I was the only one in their twenties to love them . It seems its only young teenagers. Glad you had fun. Well done to your boyfriend! xx

    p.s your newest follower xx

    1. no no no deffo not just you!!! I know he did do well for once!! xx

  4. Wow lucky girl!! It looks like you had amazing seats!!


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