Tuesday 16 February 2016

Our new home.. Before

So we have just purchased our first family home together. I am really excited to start this new adventure with my little family and I can't wait to decorate and style our new home. It needs quite a lot of work doing to it, they are knocking through walls in the kitchen, plastering everywhere and removing all the bad areas inside the house. This may take a good few months but hopefully we should be inside by the time the baby is born. 

I thought I would do a post of all the before photos of our new home and then when everything is done and looking complete I will do another post and show you all the difference! I have so many ideas of what I want done to the house and now its time to put these plans to action.

I took so many photos today so I can remember the before look, and I really hope looking at them after makes me appreciate all the hard work we are going to do.

On to the photos! 

Living room;



Dining room (will be used as a toy room!)

Back out to the hallway;

Babys bedroom;

Our bedroom;


Joshua's Bedroom

The back bit (which will be the biggest change!)

I am really excited to do lots of before and after posts for you guys as I can't wait to see the difference myself and actually be really happy with our new home!

Have you got any tips?



  1. What a lovely home you have I love the wooden flooring

  2. So excited! We've just bought our first family home and I love it xxx didn't know you were still blogging xx

  3. Looks lovely hun. If you need a hand with anything let me know xx


I love reading all your comments! ♥

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