Friday 12 February 2016

Pregnancy week 24

This week is a mile stone! Its my V day. The day when if the baby was born early the hospital and doctors would do everything to try and save the baby as he would have a lot more chance of survival. As each week goes on the chances get better. This week I have really been suffering with acid reflux and terrible heartburn, it feels like my entire stomach and throat are on fire its awful. 

I have also been suffering with bad leg cramps in the night and severe lack of sleep. I really just cant switch off and fall asleep and suffer so much with getting out of bed at 330am to go to work as I am just so tired and have no energy! I feel him move a lot more now even while I am working and running around. I can feel his little body parts sliding across my stomach and when I put both hands on my stomach I can feel his entire body move and flip around its really cute I love it.

We got our pram this week which excites me as I feel more prepared the only things we need to get are a baby swing and the chico next to me crib which isn't that much! Apart from nappies and random bits like that, I am pretty organised this time around which I think is from having Josh and knowing a little bit more what to expect! 

I also am really hating wearing leggings and long vest tops every day I need to invest in some maternity clothes I think!!  

See you all for another pregnancy update next week! 



  1. It's getting to closer! I bet Josh will be a great big brother. I remember being the same when o was pregnant, struggling to sleep and being really achy. I bought a pregnancy pillow which really helped. H&M used to do some lovely maternity clothes when I was pregnant xx

  2. I was so happy when I got to week 24 just makes you relax a bit more. I had to take Omeprazole from the doctors for the heartburn and pain as couldn't eat it was that bad. It went straight after she arrived though x

  3. Oh I so miss my baby bump
    So beautiful
    All the best

  4. Aww! Over half way! I hate the pregnancy acid reflux - it's horrible!


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