Tuesday 16 February 2016

Captain america at the park

I love park trips with Josh. I love watching him explore all the different things a park has to offer. He asked me if we could go to the park and show Captain America how to climb up the steps, go down the slide and the 'fire man pole' and if he could take him for a swing on the swings who was I to say no? It was absolutely freezing so we wrapped up warm and off we headed to the park. Even though he had woken up at 5.40am he was buzzing the whole way round (I cant say the same about me mind starting work at 4am its safe to say I was ready to fall asleep the entire time)

He showed captain america how to climb up the steps which he was very proud of 'Look at me mummy I am such a big boy climbing the stairs by myself' He left captain america at the top so he could race to him and push him down the slide. He then wanted to 'crash into him' so left him at the bottom of the slide and raced down to the bottom of the slide to push him off.

Lastly he needed a swing on the swings, first he wanted captain america to ride with him but he then decided mummy had to push him and captain america in separate swings and see who could ride higher 'as high as the sky' I wonder who reached the sky first? 'Look at me mummy I am so super high aren't I' All in all it was a very cold trip but to see Josh's happy face is enough to keep me warm! 

How often do you go to the park?




  1. Josh looks like he had a great time! So does Captain America! I don't know how you do it starting work so early! xx

  2. Some lovely photos and we'll done for braving the cold!


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