Friday 19 February 2016

Life changes

There is nothing I love more than laying down with Josh on the sofa while Im typing away at my macbook and he's watching the most random videos I think he can find on youtube. I sit and think about how much my life has changed in such a short few years, my favourite thing to do would be to glam up with my friends and pick out my favourite bandage dress and do all my hair and make up as perfect as I could get it and take countless photos of us and my life now is so far away from that but I wouldn't have it any other way. 

I love to cosy up with Josh and watch his favourite TV programmes and play with his new favourite toys which obviously changes every single day. I love taking him out places that he loves, going to the park and kids play centres just to see the little happy smile that I love to see, but then I love coming home and changing into our pyjamas and slippers especially in these cold and rainy days, I love to sit and listen to the rain while me and josh are all warm in fluffy pyjamas! Always help when you can find a mahabis promo code online to treat yourself to new slippers too!

There is nothing better than spending every day with such a beautiful happy little boy and as much as my old life is completely different to now, I much prefer spending every second of my day (other than working mornings)with him and I can't wait to have another little boy to complete our family soon. Josh makes me so proud looking at him and watching him change from day to day and I love watching him learn new things and take in so much information each day, he really is learning so much in such a short space of time and I really am so proud that I am the one he calls mummy, and comes crying to whenever he is hurt or needs some attention, as much as I love a night out with my friends or a night in, nothing beats the feeling of being a mum and I as much as at times it can be really difficult especially the tiredness of working early mornings with looking after him, its worth every second.

Do you love dressing in your pyjamas as much as us? Or do you still love to glam up for a night out with your friends?




  1. I used to love going out all the time. Then I had kids and now all I want to do is stay in my pyjamas! I still like going out now and again but even when we get the opportunity I'm usually so tired and then I don't want a hangover to ruin the weekend when I should be doing things with the kids. I wouldn't change it for the world though.

  2. I am a stay at home in my pj's type, although the occasional night out is still very nice and enjoyed! ��

  3. Aww - what a lovely post! I'm definitely a SAH gal now, although I do quite like heading out to a nice restaurant and for a few drinks rather than a night on the tiles like I used to! x

  4. It's amazing how much children can change your life isn't it best thing ever though

  5. I probably am in my pj's 90% of the time !!! It's the first thing I do when I get in - I much prefer staying at home and chilling with the kids than wild nights out now a days


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