Monday, 25 April 2016


I really can't believe my baby will be four next month. Where have the last four years gone?
Planning Joshua's party has been incredibly challenging. Last years party was hard enough to plan and he only had a bunch of friends. This year however, Josh's whole nursery class will be coming. That's 39 children, plus his friends outside of nursery. Help!
 Being heavily pregnant makes everything so much harder. Trying to get the house sorted for the baby and now having to plan this party, is just added stress I really do not need.

  Joshua's favourite thing at the moment is Paw Patrol so picking a theme for his party was easy. What hasn't been so easy, is organising it! I like being super organised so I booked the party a couple of months ago. All I had to do was book the venue. Everything was going so smoothly until a phone call I had a couple of weeks ago. The company I had booked who sort out all of the games and disco etc, had double booked us so could no longer do it. Finding a company who have the Paw Patrol mascots Josh wants, available on his birthday, is like finding a needle in a haystack. 
After hours of searching, I eventually found a company who hired out the right mascots and did party games, a disco and balloon modelling, which I think all the little one's will love. I have also hired out an extra mascot because Josh couldn't decide who his favourite was, and after wanting the whole cast, we compromised. 

I have hired out a church hall which I hope will be big enough. I have also ordered bits and bobs for the party bags which have been a nightmare. Everything is so expensive and the thought of most of the things just going straight in the bin is even more frustrating. 

As for a cake, every single year without fail we have bought a £70-£80 cake and it has always gone to waste. This year, I am refusing to spend so much so I'm just going to buy  the £10 Paw Patrol cake from Sainsbury's which he will love equally as much as a personalised one. 

Another major thing to think about is the food! Food to feed 50 children? Every party Josh has been to this year, they have nearly all done a buffet. The food which ends up going to waste is ridiculous and watching piles of sandwiches get emptied into black bins made me think about the best way to do it. I think I will still do a buffet as it's the easiest option, but I will certainly not be making mountains of food like last year. Do three or four year olds really want to sit at a table and eat whilst at a party? No, they just want to play! So I will definitely not be going over board. 

I get so paranoid at kids party's that everyone isn't enjoying themselves or there isn't enough to do. Last year I ordered so many different things for them like activity tables, bouncy castles and soft play along with a face painter/glitter tattooist with music. I am debating getting another face painter this year just in case some of the kids don't feel confident to dance around and play games. I know Josh can be quite shy and stay by my side so it will be nice for those not so confident kids. I also have a few of my friends little ones (mainly over one) coming too, and I really want something there for them to do to! There really is so much to think about isn't there? 

Also another thing is presents. The thought of 50 presents scares me so much. We have far too many toys now let alone after this party. Where will I store them all? It will be like christmas all over again!

I have ordered lots of plates and napkins, banners, balloons and bunting. All I really need to sort out now is the food which obviously I shall have to do closer to the day. It is mad how much all these things cost. If I was to add it all together, I would be gobsmacked. It is a good job they are worth it, right? Let's just hope I don't go into labour just before or during this party. Josh would never forgive me! Stay in there baby or you will have one unhappy big brother! 


1 comment

  1. Eek! Organising the girls party was pretty stressful and that was only 30ish kids! You're very brave inviting the whole class and more! xx


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