Saturday 30 January 2016

Pregnancy update week 22

This week baby boy is the size of a papaya and weighs in at 1lb and measures 11 inches long. His taste buds and senses are really forming this week too. I have been noticing my stomach go all hard and in different positions more this week when he moves himself to a certain part of my stomach, it's really funny to watch. I feel the kicks more in the night as most of the morning and day Im so busy with work and Josh I don't really have time to sit down and relax although they do say that the baby spends the majority of a day (at least 14 hours) asleep!

I had me 20 week scan last week which went well, It hurt a bit as the baby was being stubborn and not moving so she could check his heart, in the end with a lot of prodding and me moving on my side he finally decided to move hopefully that means I have a really lazy baby hey?

Here are my scan photos I was 20 weeks +4 days and I am really excited to book in for my 4D scan at 28 weeks! I loved the one I had with Josh, and i went with my friend (who's due in two weeks) for hers a few weeks back and it was amazing to see her little baby in 4d moving around. I have been feeling really tired this week and full up with a cold which I have passed on to Josh and Will, but when do you ever get to rest as a mum? We have about 8 parties to attend within the next few weeks, Josh has a better social life than me! 

See you for another pregnancy update next week!



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