Sunday, 21 April 2013

Do you really know what love is?

Remember when we were all in primary school/high school and you were in love? I do. I remember thinking every boy I liked was the one and I could feel no greater love for anybody else. Then I met my first proper boyfriend and was so happy I didn't think anything could come near the feeling of 'love' that I felt. Now I am not saying I wasn't in love, but move on a couple of years and having a child with somebody then you really truly realise what the word love means.

If you watch people giving birth on TV (although don't if your pregnant) one born every minute made me want to pass out, it made me the so terrified! You see the moment as soon as they hold there baby they fall in love. This is true, although I did just want to fall straight asleep because I was knackered, but that love you feel looking down at someone you created, this little helpless baby that you have to care for forever, nothing will ever compare to it. Joshua is the most special little boy and he means so much to me, that I now truly know what the word means. 

Each day as you watch them develop in different things, watch them grow and take different steps in there little life's, its amazing. I wouldn't change the sleepless nights or nappy changing, or his little tantrums for anything, because as soon as he smiles at me, or giggles at something I do my heart melts, every single time. Being a mum is just perfect and it is definitely the best thing I have ever done, and will ever do, Im so proud of him and his little 11 months in life. He truly is my first proper love & he has changed me for the better, he has brought my entire family closer together too. 

I didn't think me blowing raspberries at him, and him copying me back could make me so proud. It really is the little things like that, that puts the biggest smile on my face. No matter what's going on in the world, one look at his teeny little face, chubby little cheeks and tiny little toes, there will always be a smile on my face.

My perfect little boy :)



  1. I love this, I still tear up whrn rio naps on me ansd I stare at him sleeping, they change your life so much you can't even imagine it without them..jeez 11 months already? He'll soon be into everything if he isn't already x

    1. I know i know how fast has there little lifes gone!!!! xxx

  2. This is such a lovely post! Joshua is absolutely adorable. I'm due to have my little boy on 25th May - I'm really looking forward to it now! I can't wait to love him so much :-) xx

    Curls and Swirls Beauty & Lifestyle

    1. Awww josh was born on the 24th of may!!! Got to love May babys!! x

  3. Gosh so so cute! x xo

  4. Oh my! Why am I tearing up at this post!? It's just so gorgeous to think of such a powerful love and he's absolutely beautiful! I always cry at that moment on one born as well. ha!


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