Sunday, 27 January 2013

What I Bought Today

I admit it, I have a serious addiction to going into primark and thinking 'Oh I will just try a few things on, I wont like them all' What happens? I like them all, I look in the mirror for ages trying to find a reason not to need another top, another pair of studded shorts, but my brain can't seem to think of any reason not to buy them. Infact it gives me a million and one reasons to buy everything! I mean we can't go wrong in Primark, the prices are a fraction of the price you would pay in good old Topshop. The clothes are always new in, they change there clothes pretty much every week & did I mention how good the price's are?

I didn't need any tops, my mum always tells me when I go shopping 'Don't come home with anymore tops Hannah' I just cant resist. The only tops that aren't from primark is the first top with lots of jewels and the black tshirt with studded shoulders. I love everything I have bought, and now I have to decide which top to wear for a meal tomorrow, help?

& also what too wear the black shirt with? I have a few shirts from Primark/Topshop & I am yet to wear any of them as I never know what to pair them with. If you have any outfits posts wearing shirts or any ideas please link me or let me know below! I would be very very grateful. 



  1. I'm a sucker for primark. I don't even add it up before going to the till (very naughty). Maybe leather pants or disco pants with the shirts? I've so many unwork primark tops too! X

    1. Its terrible!! Its the only shop I know that If I go inside I will spend loads because I dont think about it all adding up!! x

  2. what a haul! I Love the fringed sheer shirt and the shirt with the swallow collar detail! x

  3. the first top is so puuurdy! x

  4. That first top is absolutely gorgeous!

    A little bit Unique


    Oh and I'm running a giveaway, if you want to pop over and have a nosey! Giveaway here

  5. i have the last shirt in navy and its beautiful, definatly worth buying, i live in it


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