Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Joshua Ryan xo

Hello hello hello!

Just thought seen as though Josh is 8 weeks old this week (on Thursday mad times!) I would update you with a few photos!

Last Tuesday he weighed 9 pound 9 ounces (he weighed 6 pound 3 ounces born) & hes still in most of his newborn outfits!! He makes my heart melt & I couldn't love him anymore than I do! 

Hes started smiling alot now, and its the most perfect thing in the world! He sleeps well & hes a generally happy baby! 


I might do a post on his nursery if anyone would be interested in looking at it? 

Being a mum is the best thing in the world!



  1. Those pictures are adorable! You are so lucky Joshua is a little cutie.

  2. he is the cutest thing!!! yeah a nursery post please! :)

  3. he is so adorable! congrats on a beautiful baby boy :)



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