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    When I was pregnant with Josh,...
  • Wednesday, 17 May 2017

    Garden Shortcuts All You Lazy Mums Out There Will Love

    We all love spending time with our kids in the garden, especially in the summer when the weather finally turns warmer. But keeping on top of a garden when you’ve got kids running all over the place can be a bit of a challenge. Often the garden is left neglected and looking a little worse for wear.

    In an ideal world, the garden would be low maintenance, functional and beautiful. But is that possible? Check out some of these great shortcuts for making your garden look its best all year round with minimal effort.

    Put Mulch In All Your Beds

    Image result for mulch

    Regular soil might look nice. But if you want to keep your beds weed free, it’s a disaster. Mulch, on the other hand, is very effective. Not only does it look natural, but it also prevents new weeds from sprouting up while allowing your regular shrubs with deep roots to carry on growing normally. If you’ve got a neglected flower bed, rip out the flowers, plant some shrubs or crab apple trees and then cover the rest of the soil with mulch. You’ll be amazed at how little upkeep it requires.

    Set Up A Sprinkler On A Timer

    Image result for garden sprinkler

    Watering your garden every morning in the summer is a chore that you could do without. As such, it’s a good idea to use a sprinkler on a timer. Set the sprinkler to go off in the early hours of the morning so that the water has time to seep down into the soil and reach the roots of the plants before the sun comes up and evaporates it.

    When In Doubt, Add Paving

    Image result for garden paving

    The great thing about paving is that it can be used for almost anything: paths, patios and sports areas. What’s more, it barely requires any maintenance, yet still looks professional.

    Paving centres often have examples of how you can use paving to best effect in your garden. There are all sorts of different paving types to choose from, and once it’s installed, it barely needs any maintenance, other than the odd bit of cleaning.

    Make Use Of Companion Planting

    Image result for companion plants

    Another reason why gardens become time-sinks is because people plant the wrong plants together. Like people, plants have their favourite companions. And so for them to be at their best and require the least maintenance possible, they should be planted together. Herbs are great companion plants because many of them act as natural insect repellents, preventing things like caterpillars from chewing their way through all the leaves on your shrubs. Other plants are great because they help to return nutrients to the soil. Sites like Farmer’s Almanac have further details on which plants to plant together.

    Start Off Small

    Of course, many people still get a thrill out of gardening. It’s a relaxing activity that takes you away from the hustle and bustle of life and lets you focus on what really matters: nature. If you don’t have a lot of spare time, start off small. Build a small herb garden with common herbs like cilantro and rosemary, and go from there.


    Tuesday, 11 April 2017


    When I was pregnant with Josh, I would often go and browse the baby clothes every time I went shopping. I always noticed that they had such a range variety for girls, but boys always seemed to be just jeans, joggers and t shirts. A lot has changed since then, as now there are lots of instagram companies selling unique clothing for boys, and I really wish they were around when Josh was born. He lived in baby grows for the first few months, along with little rompers or dungarees in the summer and I did love them. Although, as he was getting older, I was fed up with joggers and jeans and was on the look out for something different... 

    I came across Zara baby clothing, and I saw they had boys leggings. I was amazed and added some to my basket straight away. My mum wasn't very keen and said they looked like pyjamas and that I was crazy. I loved them because they weren't as baggy as joggers and they were really comfortable on him to play around in. The more my collection of leggings for him got bigger (around 30 pairs at one point!), the more odd looks I would get off strangers. I would often get asked...

    Why is your son in pyjamas?
    Did you forget to dress him this morning?
    Is he wearing girls clothes?
    When are you going to stop putting them on him?

     It never bothered me though because as long as Josh was happy and I liked them, why should I care what other people thought? After that, I then found a Zara group that was obsessed with their clothing as much as me... and that's when my spending got out of control. Someone would post photos of all the new clothing and I would put an order in straight away and eagerly await my package so I could dress him in all the new range that was out.

    I remember when an old friend said to me that her friend wanted leggings for her baby like Josh wears. She told her friend not to get them for her son and insisted that she shouldn't put them on her little boy when he was Josh's age. I thought to myself why? Just because she didn't personally like them; she shouldn't be telling someone else how she should dress her child. Why does it really matter how we dress our kids? If you love jeans and joggers and t shirts on your little boy then dress him in them and be happy about it. If somebody else like's different quirky items for their children, leave them to it and don't make judgmental comments. At the end of the day, it is just clothing; why should any one mind what people dress their children in.

    I am not one to stereotype a boy or girl. I never understood why only girls could like princesses and pink and boys could only like spiderman and batman. I know quite a few girls that love the avengers and dressing up as spiderman, and I also know quite a few little boys who love to push prams around and dress up as princesses (Josh has and I would never stop him)

    I really loved Josh's time in leggings. I really loved when people would message me telling me they love how I dress Josh, and he how good he looked. He is a little tall for them now though which makes me sad. I did just buy him a pair for summer that I can roll up, however Will isn't keen on them. He is not a fan of them at all. I'm guessing I shouldn't show him the ten pairs I already have for baby should I? Sorry Will. Dressing Josh is really something that I enjoy doing, and I am always on the lookout for something new for his wardrobe. He has more clothes than me but he's worth every penny.

    So I thought I would update on this post seen as though it had the most views and I now have another little boy who is only ever dressed in leggings. Josh still pulls them off to as he just doesn't seem to grow! 

    I get the questions even more than I did before now I have both of them! My friend hates them and always says he should dress 'like a real boy' but how do real boys dress? Baggy jeans and character tees? I just couldn't do it. There is nothing wrong with character tees if that is what you prefer, if I was to see a child wearing one I wouldn't judge them just because its not to my taste so why do I get judged for how I dress the boys just because its not to someone else's taste?

    The most recent photos of them both in leggings;

    Another I get slated for is dressing Josh in rompers in the summer

    Just because he is four doesn't mean he can't wear something that still fits him and he is really comfortable in. They are cooling in the warmer weather and they look bloody great! I remember having a debate with Will about it and someone came over to me in the park and said 'I love what your little boy is wearing where did you get it?' I smiled at Will and said 'Will where did we get it again, you picked this remember Zara wasn't it?'

    I hope they still fit this summer as I have them in Freddie's size and every one knows I love to twin them!

    So what do you think? Do you judge parents on the way they dress their children? Would you make a comment to your friend about the way I dress the boys if you saw them? Or would you dress your children in something similar?

    I love how everyone has different taste in clothes as how boring would it be if we all liked and picked the same things.



    Friday, 7 April 2017



    We were lucky enough to be sent a few new toys for Freddie to play with (and review!) which I was really happy about as he hasn't really got many toys just Josh's old baby toys. He usually prefers to play with whatever Josh is playing with! (saves money I guess)

    We were sent the 'Fun Feelings Monster' 'Hungry Monster Maze' and the Press n' Go Monster Vehicle' so here is what we thought;

    He couldn't wait to get them out the box! 

    Bat at the monster's roller face for 3 different feelings - happy, sad and surprised
    Fun sounds reinforce each emotion
    RRP £14.99
    Suitable from 6 months+

    Freddie loved this I think it was his favourite out of the lot. He really enjoyed spinning the Monster's rolling face and hearing the different sounds.  I was actually really surprised that he knew what to do after a few goes and even Josh wanted to get involved and play with them. I really love how bright and colourful it is and it has different textures which Freddie loves to touch, hold and play with. He doesn't understand the different expressions yet as he's too little but it will be a great way to teach him as he gets a little older.

    Josh would say to him 'Look Freddie the monster is sad, why is he sad Mummy?' I would ask Josh why he thought the monster could be sad and he would think of different reasons for each emotion which was great as it was interesting to see what reasons he would give. 

    Slot the colourful discs into the monster's head and watch them roll into his belly and down his tail
    Includes 6 discs to 'feed' the monster
    Fun chomping sounds and light up eyes
    RRP £19.99
    Suitable from 6 months+

    This one is mine and Josh's favourite! Freddie really tried to pick up the coins and 'feed' the monster which impressed me. It took a good few attempts for him to get it inside the monster but with help from his big brother they had lots of fun. I really love how these toys have been designed using lots of bright colours to make it appealing for children's eyes. The sounds and light up eyes are a good added touch and made Freddie smile. 

    I love how it makes Freddie practise his pincer grip all while playing, enjoying himself and learning. Josh loved counting how many objects were on the coin and putting them in order for Freddie to grab and 'feed' the monster. I know this toy will last as Josh loves to with it to. 

    Press down on the Monster's head to get wheels moving
    RRP £12.99 each
    Suitable from 6 months+

    Josh, Will and Freddie love sitting on the floor together in a circle while playing with the Press n' Go Monster. It is lovely to watch them all have fun playing together. Freddie really giggles when the Monster shoots across the floor and between his legs and always starts to clap! Josh loves trying to shoot it across to Will really fast the little terror and they all have such fun together. 

    Freddie loves the feel of the Monsters 'hair' (the blue string) He loves to feel any object which is all learning through touch and feeling things. He is just starting to get to grips with pushing down the button with a little help from his big brother of course! Yet again I love the bright colours and it makes the toy so appealing to look at. 

    I would highly recommend these toys to anybody looking to purchase a toy for their children or friends children. They are great to play with, fun and they learn as they play which is brilliant. 

    They even look good with our toy room theme of bright colours! 

    Overall we were very impressed with Fisher Price's new range and we loved each toy just as much!


    Tuesday, 14 March 2017


    I was talking to somebody the other day who told me how jealous she was of a few of her friends on facebook's lives. She said she looks at the pictures of their children dressed perfectly smiling in every photo alongside a perfectly clean and tidy house and feels deflated. Social media lifestyles how realistic are they? When you see a photo posted on Facebook or Instagram of a family or somebody's house looking immaculate do you feel a hint of jealously? 

    Should you? No. A photo can hide a thousand problems. A smiling couple doesn't necessarily mean they are a happy couple in fact it could be the complete opposite. You need to remember that people only upload the best moments and keep those not so great moments private. 

    When i scroll through a few instagram profiles i must admit i do get hit with the jealousy bug when I look at peoples homes especially when they are perfectly set out and they also have children. I ask myself how do they do it? Where do they keep their kids toys? How have they not got hand prints and chocolate engraved into their sofas? I constantly moan to Will about wanting the perfect home that is always immaculate I then thought, do i upload the bad photos of my house? Do I add photos when my house is covered in toys and piled high with washing? I don't! Of course I wouldn't so why would someone else?

    'Social media photo'

    'Real life'

    I have lost count of the people who have said to me 'Wow Josh and Freddie get on so well don't they? You can really see how much Josh loves him' from the moment he was born. Funny how pictures can paint a completely different picture to real life. When Freddie was first born Josh didn't want to know and every single cute photo of them together was bribed and not wanted from Josh at all! I mean don't get me wrong now he does love his brother so much but this again is just more proof that you can't believe everything people want you to believe by looking at a picture they have uploaded. It is amazing what a kit kat can do!

    'Social media photo'

    'Real life photo'

    Honestly I have to take around 30/40 photos of the boys together before I get a half decent photo of them both at least looking at the camera. As do the people you see splashed across instagram with their perfect family. I think people can get carried away with trying to live the perfect life through social media and forget to actually live their life. Spending hours trying to get the perfect lighting/perfect angle when in reality they are just missing out on living life to the full and letting the fun times slide by as they are far too focused on picture perfect photographs. 

    When you are older do you think you will look back at photos of your clean home and think remember when I spent hours cleaning and how perfect my house looked? Or do you think you will think more about the times where your house was trashed but trashed with complete love of a child who is having the time of their little lives. The latter I hope. Sometimes people need to look at whats around them rather than through the lens of a camera. 

    This whole post came about from me looking at my tulips lost for life in my kitchen and thinking life just sometimes gets in the way of having the perfect home and perfect life but I am ok with that!

     'Social media photo'

    'Real life photo'

    The couple who have just uploaded a photo of their baby scan with beaming smiles could be hiding the trauma of three miscarriages and this could be their rainbow baby.

     A couples date night photo, jealous because you and your boyfriend don't go out as often as you'd like? They could be on a last ditch attempt of keeping their relationship together. 

    A photo of their child looking perfectly dressed with a gorgeous smile? She has probably just had the mother of all tantrums because her parents gave her a yellow straw instead of a red one.

    Somebodys uploaded a photo of all the new clothes/make up they have just purchased and you feel low because you wish you could afford them to, they could have just gone way in to their overdraft and be in bucket loads of debt. 

    The girl with millions of friends and followers? Selfies galore? She can still feel the loneliest girl in the entire world. She can have millions of followers and likes on every single photo but will still be dreaming of real life friends.

    I know how easy it is to think your life is nothing like somebody else's and to feel slightly disappointed that things aren't going as perfect for you as they are for them 
    but don't let social media fool you in to thinking your life is too far from perfect as more often than usual appearances are deceiving. I think it is easy to portray the perfect life across social media but I bet you their life has every single up and down that you do they just hide it with perfectly timed happy/clean photos. There are so many people out there who aren't as lucky as us, feel happy for the life that you do have as there are many out there who would dream to have everything that you have. I would rather a toy filled messy house and my children to be happy than to constantly clean and shout at them for making a mess! (not that everyone shouts at their kids!) Let them make memories. 



    Monday, 27 February 2017


    I never knew about this until recently when I watched a video on youtube about it so really wanted to share the awareness as it is so important. It's cold outside and you put your child in a coat to leave the house or the baby in a snow suit to keep them warm. You pop them in the car seat and off you drive to wherever you need to go, but are they actually safe?

    No.  The extra layers you are putting on your child can cause a gap between them and the safety harness of the seat which as you can see in the video below is so dangerous if you were to be involved in an accident. Therefore if you were to be in a car accident the harness wouldn't be close enough to your child to be able to restrain them.

    Watch this video;

    Also you have the danger of your baby overheating in snowsuits in the car when the car warms up! 

    Did you know that to keep your child safe in a car seat you should remove their coat or jacket and pull the harness tight enough to fit just two fingers between your child and the straps. I now always take off the boys coat's before they go in the car and if Josh complains of being cold he takes his warm blanket to snuggle up in once he is placed in his seat. 

    Even if this post has enlightened one person on the dangers then i'm happy.



    Saturday, 18 February 2017


    Picking a room for Josh was quite easy I have always wanted to give him an amazing boys room and had so many ideas. He loves super heroes and the avengers and I thought that would be something that would grow with him for a little longer than say Paw Patrol. 

    I had a look at the kind of things I wanted to add to his bedroom on pinterest and off I went buying random bits at a time.

    I have been asked by so many people to share his room with you so I thought It was about time I sat down to take photos and write about it! The photos were so hard to take with my iphone as my camera is broken so sorry that they aren't the perfect quality. If you have any questions about anything in his room then just ask! 

    This was his room before;

    Then after it looks like this;

    I love his bed more than anything! He has always wanted a 'bed with stairs' and I looked around the internet and read nothing but good reviews from kids fun time beds and was lucky enough to receive a discount to review it on my blog and I am so excited to share it with you! 

    His teddys were mainly from Mothercare other than the iron man which was purchased from Sainsburys. 

    His tepee we were lucky enough to be sent to review by the talented when lulu met weasel (review coming shortly!) and Josh loves it so much! Both the boys are always in there playing and giggling and its lovely to watch. The design fits in perfectly as you can see. The batman pillow was bought by his nan and the personalised cushion was made by Wills lovely cousin for Christmas for Josh.

    His wall looks incredible doesn't it? I was a little nervous that it would be too much and he might be a little scared but I shouldn't of worried as he loves it. It completely makes the room and we are lucky we have lovely talented people in our family who were able to make it and put it up for us!

     (you can tell Will took this photo.....)

    I love his bunting we got to review from the lovely bambisbeautifulthings (post coming soon!) it really adds to the avengers theme perfectly.

    I love this part of his room as he was so excited to see all of his costumes hanging up together! I think it looks perfect for any avengers lovers bedroom.

    His lights are my complete favourite and he and his friends are obsessed with turning them on and are amazed by them every time. I bought them all on Ebay and they arrived really quickly!

    I love his room as does Josh. I hope you do! Let me know if there is anything else we can add to make it look even better and I would love to see your children's themed bedrooms!

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